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Mythica Voice Over

Explainer Videos

What exactly are Explainer Videos?

You have a product you are bringing to market – awesome! It’s an exciting time when our endeavors come to fruition – especially now in a post-COVID world.

You have a video – It’s beautiful.  But there’s one thing missing – the voice.

When combined with the right voice, animations, or explainer videos, are one of the most powerful marketing tools you have in your toolbox.

Short-form voiceover

Explainer videos are short online marketing videos that briefly introduce your product to your new customers! They explain your product or service in whatever way you would like: fun, casual, conversational, motivational, serious, corporate, upbeat, friendly – the possibilities are endless.
Here at Mythica Voice Over, we focus on crafting a voiceover that is friendly, conversational, and inviting. Your customers are media savvy, and they want someone who can speak to them on their level – instead of at them.
Explainers offer a wonderful two-pronged approach to visual storytelling: visual and audio, to craft a story and draw your audience in.

Explainer Samples

Examples of Explainer Videos

Great communicators are great explainers.

Voice is everywhere your customers are.

You have a video and you need a voice that is authentic and can communicate your brand.

Felicia has been a performer and teacher for over 15 years and wants to help you speak to your audience.

Your modern internet audience is savvy – they move fast from one topic to another, from one medium to another, and from one brand to another.

What hasn’t changed is that this audience – as modern as they are – still crave one thing: connection. Tiktok, Twitter, fleets, reels, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat – your audience is on all of these. Constantly creating stories, connecting, and craving connection.
Ok, I get it (you say) – my audience is online – what are you getting at?
Here is the beauty of explainers: with the right voiceover, you can offer them an honest virtual experience that talks to their needs on their platforms. 
You can bring the message right to where they already are by crafting a voiceover that is honest, close, conversational and friendly. This voice, on their platforms, solidifies your Brand’s presence and identity. 

Contact me today for a free consultation about your project.

What types of explainer videos are best?

While there are a few styles of explainer videos out there, there is one that reigns supreme – animated explainers. Think Kurtzgesagt or Spotify. They often employ a voice over that is wry, cool, conversational, interested, casual (depending on the product or service), and definitely a voice that knows how to have a bit of fun.
There are others, of course: live-action (best for a physical product or a people-oriented service) and whiteboard videos (think a hand drawing and erasing animations on a whiteboard – the most affordable of the bunch). But the animated explainer is the gold star option. 

Best Practices:

Keep these in mind when casting a voice for your perfect explainer:

  • Short and sweet – While we can (and will!) speak as fast as you’d like, try and keep your text to a comfortable speaking pace (generally 150 words/minute).  A great length to aim for is around 90 seconds of audio.

  • Attention! We want a hook! The most important thing your talent will do is catch your audience in the first 30 seconds – you want your message and value proposition to be front and center. 

  • Keep it casual and informative – we are pros at the casual, conversational read.  You speak to your audience – not at them.  When writing scripts for voiceover, remember to keep it in 2nd person.
  • Simple is best! Your viewers are varied, and while we are more than happy to read as many technical terms as you want to throw at us – you want to make sure you don’t alienate your audience with technical terms that they won’t understand.

  • Conversational is King! Most explainers aim for that casual and conversational tone.  Think best friend, trusted confidant, mother or sister.  Felicia Felicia’s got you there – check out a few of her samples for more inspiration.

  • Humor – everyone loves to laugh! Sometimes a touch of wry humor can go a long way in communicating with your audience – and they are way more enjoyable to watch (and to perform!).

Why do explainer videos work?

According to neuroeconomics pioneer Paul Zak:
“Stories are powerful because they transport us into other people’s worlds but, in doing that, they change the way our brains work and potentially change our brain chemistry — and that’s what it means to be a social creature.”

Your audience scrolling through their feed craves connection: stories that are powerful and have a beginning, middle, and end. Explainers are a beautiful way to bring your audience into your world – to share with them what you are so excited about and in turn, get them excited as well.

Creating trust with your voiceover

Zak, in his series of experiments, found that stories that are highly engaging and contain elements including a climax and denouement elicit powerful empathic responses. They trigger the release of Oxytocin (the “trust hormone,” ). When we engage with this powerful neurochemical, we as humans feel connection and empathy.
Voiceover is a great way to do this: think that your trusted friend, confidant, or colleague is helping you understand a product. You trust them. The voice is a powerful way to add trust in your story and build trust in your brand or product.

Friendly, Conversational Female Voice

How does the narrator fit in this puzzle? Where is the role of the voice in your video?

The voice is often the last piece of the puzzle when it comes to animated explainers and whiteboard explainers. You’ve told a great visual story and now to synch it – you need a voice – a storyteller – to tie the product together. The narrator helps your audience understand what you have to offer them, and explaining – well, that is something we excel at. To explain is to be human! Having that human voice brings your customers on a journey. The narrator tells your story – working with us, we will craft you a voiceover that can be whatever you need your story to be.
What style of voiceover do I need for my video?

We offer female voiceover in styles ranging from intimate, compelling, friendly, conversational (by far the most popular) to honest, reliable, funny, and sincere.
Interesting fact – a recent study found that 66% of internet video viewers prefer a female voiceover to that of a male. Female voices are viewed as more friendly and trustworthy.

And that’s what you are trying to do at the end of the day: you are trying to connect with your customers on a human level so that they can trust you.

We can help with that.

Book Felicia Today!

Book Now!

If you want to start recording tomorrow, need a consult, a demo, or have a question, book with us today, and we’ll reply within one business day.

Our general turnaround time is 24 hours – depending on project length. Rates are based on the GVAA rate card as well as project parameters.

Please send as many details as you can, including:

  • length
  • usage
  • market
  • budget
  • timeline

Edited or Raw files in WAV, MP3 or AIFF format – to your preference.

Directed or self directed sessions

Files delivered via Email, Dropbox.

Quotes are provided once project details are confirmed.

Let us bring your copy to life!